
Showing posts from June, 2017

Word Study Warm-Ups

I'm proud to watch our team at TeamTom Education lead into another area of curriculum and instruction...Word Study! They are hard at work developing a free spiraling warm-up resource for reading teachers in grades 2-8. In just 10 days we've had almost 300 teachers sign up, and the list is growing by 5-20% per day. If you know a reading teacher, team, or department that could benefit from a streamlined approach to teaching word knowledge to young readers and writers, this free membership may be for them. The power in this resource is in the research-based video instruction and the spiraling curriculum. Daily word study warm-ups guarantee each student has hands-on practice and direct instruction with the following skills and concepts: consonant clusters vowel sounds vowel combinations multiple syllable words sentence fluency academic vocabulary word parts root words Our authors are at work developing the curriculum into all areas of word study to build st...