Three Principal Podcasts for Three Months of Summer
It's summer, and here are three principal podcasts that really will keep you inspired, thinking, and focused through the summer months. If you drive, exercise, walk a dog, sit by the pool, or do anything for a minimum of five minutes, then grab hold of a good educational podcast. It's not going to change your world, but it will keep your mind sharp and focused on fresh ideas. So, here are the three educational podcasts I recommend for this summer . You can sample the podcasts here and then subscribe in your favorite listening app by simply searching at (Overcast, Google Play, Apple Podcasts). The Mafost Mashup This one is brand new, and the first two episodes really were rookie, but by the 3rd episode this podcast proved it's worth as a fast-paced podcast rich with innovation. Each episode is less than 8-minutes and there a few bonus segments. This is a must-listen if you enjoy being challenged. It's a podcast for principals and school leaders that is: fa...