Learning is an Adventure

I'm spending time in the mountains this week and am confronted with the awesome beauty and strength of nature. So much to fear, to wonder, and to explore. 

A couple days ago we climbed Flattop Mountain...ugh, I'm still sore. But I came across so many moments of inspiration that made me reflect on learning and education. Really, I came to believe that Learning is an Adventure. Here are a few of those moments that I felt were inspiring.

Do. Learn. Live.

These three words have been a theme lately (shared on facebook), but it really hit me on the hike. The path is not the destination. It is where the living is. It is the path where we find learning. We may or may not arrive at the destination - enjoy the path. What are you passionate about? Do. Don't delay. You don't need to know how, where, or why - just do. You will learn along the way. In that learning, we live. 

Learning is not about inert facts and details. Learning is about life. Empowering each other with understandings and skills that can be acted on. The enemy of learning is delay (usually sparked by fear of failure and desire to be perfect). Acknowledge the fear and combat it with action. Fear will subside as the beauty of the path brings learning!

Face Challenges with Wonder.

Challenge sparks learning, but oh, it can be fearful. Don't shy away, fear is the dark sibling to wonder. Embrace challenge with wonder, and you'll find the treasures therein. 
Challenge can be fearful, but learning is hidden therein.
An attitude of wonder will create action. Actions of curiosity, of imagination, and courage. Wonder is such an amazing state of mind. Isn't is it the base of all quality learning? Wonder is natural in children, but can't we inspire it in adolescents, young adults, and each other? 

Fear flees in the presence of wonder. In it's place we can find the necessary ingredients for learning and life. Without wonder, we age quickly. With wonder, our minds stay young, creative, and strong!

Vision and Commitment.

Vision, commitment, and learning make all things possible.

Whether it's a goal for learning something new, a goal for a school this year, or a goal for growth in the district, we don't have the answers at the outset. The journey is often uncertain. The path may not be clear. But quality leaders inspire team goal-setting that create vision and commitment.

Principals and leaders do this by embracing wonder and adventure in their daily work. Every interaction with teachers is an opportunity to promote the adventure associated with the school vision. Each conversation is an opportunity to increase commitment to the vision. Staff are left with a sense of direction and mission.

An atmosphere of learning thrives with school leaders who believe in adventure. Mix in learning, and any goal is possible!

Enjoy the adventure. Take pride in knowing that learning is an adventure. Educators are in the adventure business. Not the test-taking business. Not the politics business. Not the...
  • grade business
  • school business
  • stress business
  • textbook business
  • et cetera!
We are in the adventure business...Learning is an Adventure. Read more on these topics:
It can be scary, hard, and tiring, but learning is worth it.


  1. How can taking action help overcome the fear of failure in learning?

    **Regard** : Desain Produk


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