Best Principal Thoughts of 2018 (So Far)

Here's an early reflection for educational leaders in 2018...from educational leaders this year. With popular articles, blogs, and Twitter chats already blowing up 2018, I wanted to share with you my top inspirations from educational leaders so far this year.

Without further ado, let's jump to it.

On Leading Teams

We must mine for excellence in every teacher and find ways for them to lead in building our Excellence Support System. @JohnWink90

Schools rise and fall, not on test scores, but on leadership. @heffrey

Championship teams don’t sit in the locker room. They get on the court and demand excellence. They push each other to high levels of performance. @mafost

Principals, who you hire today determines the culture for tomorrow. @nalang1

Behaviors that create trust & inspiration in a learning community team often begin w/ someone being vulnerable, baring a bit more of who they are and what they believe w/ the group. Trust often begins when our vulnerabilities connect w/ others'. @PrincipalTam

On Testing and Equity

Tests are a distraction, keeping our gaze on students and teachers and away from the inherent inequity of the tests themselves — instruments of those in power who decide what matters and how by what is tested and how. @PaulThomas

We must challenge those who say “I don’t see gender” in the same way we challenge those who say “I don’t see color”. This devalues their identity and narratives and perpetuates oppression and fuels bias. @KatieStoverKelly

It’s urgent that we acknowledge that rarely if at all, do standardized tests address student’s ability to self-assess, problem solve, think critically, or work collaboratively and effectively with a team of peers. @LatoyaDixon

If we truly value things like innovation and creativity, empathy, equality, collaboration, resilience, communication, and problem-solving, then we simply have to re-imagine assessment. @KatieWhite426

On Instruction and Impact

Teachers — Providing researched-based instruction makes them professionals. Doing whatever it takes to reach their kids makes them heroes! @SteeleThoughts

Important to build a predictable routine around relearning. Reassessment is not "guess again" but hey shouldn't have to beg for it either. Create a system/routine that ensures 'more learning' in between each assessment. @TomSchimmer

What thoughts are pushing your vision for a stronger and more impactful 2018?

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